Wednesday, February 24, 2010

From Mombasa to CapeTown

Just two days to go.... On Friday Thomas and myself will fly to Mombasa and from there we will drive around Lake Victoria and then south towards Cape Town. Alltogether around 8'500km in pretty much 3 weeks. The car has been shipped already beginning of January. It is expected to arrive Friday night, just in time to get it through customs on Saturday morning. Here the road map. It is only a rough  plan. We will plan on the go and change the route according to information we get locally.


  1. ...sounds great! have a good time; but take care! F.D.B.

  2. Hoi Jürg
    Find ich ja toll, deine Reise. Wie lange wirst du unterwegs sein? Meine Reisetätigkeit beschränkt sich momentan auf meinen Arbeitsweg zwischen Ostermundigen und Grossaffoltern mit dem Velo... Häb Sorg. Gruss, Dömzger
